Saturday, August 31, 2019

Poetry Analysis †Coleridge, Tennyson, Hopkins Essay

The Romantic poet Percy Shelley once wrote, â€Å"Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar.† Both the Romantic and the Victorian periods of poetry followed Shelley’s vision of poetry as they exposed their respective societal issues. Romantic period lasted from1785 to 1830, a time in which England moved from an agrarian to industrial country and overall nationalistic ideals threatened the individuality of the poets and artists. The Romantic period of poetry was therefore very reactionary. It was a reaction to enlightenment ideas, to the disregard for human life in revolutions, and to the uniform of nationalism. The decay of social values that took place in the latter part of the Victorian period spurred many writers to shift the context of their work from the Romantic natural forms to education, women’s rights, and political ideologies. Though both periods produced a momentous achievements in structure, language, and musicality of the poetic movement, the Romantic period effectuated an extreme feat in poetry in a mere fifty years. Samuel Coleridge’s â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner† is a Romantic ballad in seven parts, with fairly regular quatrains. Its short sentence structure develops steady movement, allowing to the reader’s engagement to grow as the tale progresses and the speaker’s message is unveiled. The tetrameter structure reveals an explanation of the title; the Ancient Mariner orally recites his tale, teaching a universal lesson on nature’s value and the earth’s deserving of respect. Coleridge uses both dialogue and varying perspective to establish a credibility in his work. An omniscient narrator speaks of an instance where the â€Å"bright-eyed† Mariner tells his story to a wedding-guest and the effect the tale has on him; â€Å"a sadder and a wiser man, / He rise the morrow morn† (Coleridge 624-625). Coleridge often utilizes the effect of exclamation points when the Mariner is speaking to convey his passion, as in â€Å"Farewell, farewell! but this I tell / To thee, thou Wedding-Guest! / He prayeth well, who loveth well / Both man and bird and beast† (610-613). By capitalizing the first letter in various important words, Coleridge successfully enables to the reader to interpret a symbolic meaning behind the select terms. For instance, â€Å"Albatross,† though not a proper noun, is capitalized in each reference he makes to the creature yet when referring to the â€Å"water-snakes† and the â€Å"sky-lark† Coleridge does not capitalize the terms as they hold less symbolic value in the Mariner’s tale. ‘Is this the man? By him who died on cross, With his cruel bow he laid full low The harmless Albatross. The spirit who bideth by himself In the land of mist and snow, He loved the bird that loved the man Who shot him with his bow.’ (Coleridge 397-405) The Albatross is capitalized to depict the pure innocence and divinity of nature and God’s creations. Further interpretation also shows Coleridge’s capitalization of the Albatross to allude to Jesus Christ. Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s â€Å"Crossing the Bar† is a comforting and uplifting Victorian Era poem about the end of life’s journey. Tennyson’s calm language and peaceful imagery envelop the reader in consoling compassion rather than a miserable mourning at the thought of a loved-one’s passing. He introduces the dwindling of life’s candle as he opens with a metaphor beautifully comparing life ending and death to â€Å"sunset and evening star† (Tennyson 1). Hoping for the end to be as painless as the sunset Tennyson alludes to the sound of the ocean thrusting against the sandbar, â€Å"And may there be no moaning of the bar, / When I put out to sea† (Tennyson 3-4). Tennyson’s word choice throughout the extended metaphor of this poem impels the reader to think carefully about what his meaning is, rather than take the literal sense. For instance, when Tennyson refers to turning â€Å"home again† his home is not meant to be the humble earthly abode in which he’s carried out his years; he instead is alluding to heaven (Tennyson 8). The imagery of the concluding stanza informs the reader of the entire poem’s meaning; â€Å"For though from out our bourne of Time and Place / The flood may bear me far, / I hope to see my Pilot face to face / When I have crossed the bar† (Tennyson 13-16). Here Tennyson’s meaning of the bar manifests as he alludes to meeting his creator in this striking image of crossing the ocean’s sand bar, the boundary of life and death, into the unknown afterlife. Upon reading Gerald Manley Hopkins’ â€Å"Spring and Fall: to a young child† it becomes difficult to stop oneself from creating a tune to match the beat of this musical Victorian Era poem. With an AABBCCDDDEEFFGG rhyme scheme the poem begins with three rhyming couplets, followed by a rhyming triplet, and concluded by another set of three rhyming couplets. The varying line lengths express the drama in the speaker’s voice; ranging from the short iambic triameter to the longer tetrameter exposing the speaker’s message. A strong biblical message is surfaced by the melodic and hymnic movement of this piece. Hopkins uses alliteration to make his point clearly understood. The repetition of the â€Å"W† words, in â€Å"Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie: / And yet you will weep and know why,† is used to tell Margaret about the changes maturity brings and the misery of knowledge (Hopkins 8-9). The alliterations used in the last rhyming couplet impart the speaker’s firm religious beliefs to the reader as Hopkins states â€Å"It is the blight man was born for, / It is Margaret you mourn for.† Hopkins uses the â€Å"B† and â€Å"M† words to emphasize the connection between her future sins and those made by Adam and Eve. As the speaker both open and closes this short poem repeating Margaret’s name he creates an alpha and omega image for the reader; Margaret is her beginning and her own end. Perfection derived from mayhem would be an apt description of William Wordsworth’s â€Å"Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood;† though perfection is not quite a befitting word to depict the pulchritude of this piece. This poem is both a reactionary piece, and a revelation of time, as the prefatory four stanzas were written at least two years prior to the latter seven. Through the chaos of its structure comes the beauty of one of Wordsworth’s most renowned poems. Following the aberrant nature of the Romantic poets, Wordsworth’s Ode is composed of eleven stanzas irregular in form, length, meter, and syntax.Though subtle in nature, this piece veraciously speaks the whispers of juvenescent truths as its title would suggest. â€Å"Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood,† implies a dedication to the indications of eternal life, which from early childhood memories are stirred. Wordsworth’s way of adorning a beautifully worded poem with familiar images and symbolic undertones helps this poem to outshine others of its like. Swathed in epiphanic universal tenets this Ode is all but trivial. In the first two short stanzas Wordsworth introduces his dilemma; the speaker has lost touch with the celestial light which once had bedecked his corporeal life. He expresses his ability to appreciate the natural beauties of daily life but knows â€Å"there hath past away a glory from the earth† (Wordsworth 18). Wordsworth identifies the poignancy in life’s realization when childhood innocence is lost. Left with lingering questions of his embryonic virtue’s transience he concludes the first portion of his poem asking â€Å"Whither is fled the visionary gleam? / Where is it now, the glory and the dream?† (Wordsworth 56-57). With his questioning, Wordsworth obliges the reader’s musing on the eternal poignancy of this forsakenness. Two years time would pass before Wordsworth could conclude his enlightenment of the soul’s cyclic journey and the effect it has on man. He begins the fifth stanza with an intriguing metaphor: â€Å"our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting† (Wordsworth 58). Extended throughout the poem, the idea, that the soul pulls away from the glories of heaven as man ages, is not easy for the reader to grasp; thus Wordsworth explains â€Å"heaven lies about us in our infancy!† but with age heaven and its splendor â€Å"fade into the light of common day† (Wordsworth 76). The paradox, between the fading light of God and the overpowering light of daily life, is harsh but, comprehendible. As man grows closer to the natural earth he grows apart from the virtues of the ethereal heaven. To explain the shift man weathers, Wordsworth discusses the ways sanguine children become mechanic by making plans and charts; man takes pride in learning organization but in the process slights imagination. He continues on to address a child directly â€Å"thou Eye among the blind,† metaphorically telling the boy he provides a virtuous vision to those who have outgrown a strong bond with glory (Wordsworth 111). Though this bond is fleeting, Wordsworth finds happiness in the idea that man is always questioning; he realizes â€Å"O joy! that in our embers / Is something that doth live, / That nature yet remembers / What was so fugitive!† there is a connection deep within every man that drives him to search for the truths of life (Wordsworth 129-132). His use of ABAB rhyme scheme, alternating iambs, and the metaphor of the soul to a fire that burns low and hot makes this passage stand out to the reader and bring forth Wordsworth’s optimism. As he guides his reader through the climax of this Ode, Wordsworth incorporates heavy imagery and a more constant rhyme scheme. He explains that man cannot go back and relive the virtues of childhood but, will always have memories to bring him back to its glories: Though inland far we be, Our Souls have sight of that immortal sea Which brought us hither, Can in a moment travel thither, And see the Children sport upon the shore, And hear the mighty waters rolling evermore. (Wordsworth 161-167) He tells of how one is unable to experience these past memories but, can instead look back and observe the bliss of childhood as these recollections are immortal. Having recognized the joys that still are attainable he realizes his appreciation for the mortality of the somatic world. Though he no longer rolls as freely as the brook, he loves its beauty more than ever. Wordsworth imparts the value of this brief life on earth. Man must not view life’s course as a race. He reminds the reader of life’s impermanence, alluding to the Corinthians which suggest there is no great prize for first place in life’s race. Instead man should give thanks; â€Å"Thanks to the human heart by which we live, / Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears, / To me the meanest flower that blows can give / Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears† (Wordsworth 200-203). Humanity blesses men with the power to treasure the meek and the ordinary, as long as man steps out of the race and stops to admire his surroundings.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gdp And Economic Welfare Essay

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the most important economic indicator and it is used for comparison purposes to see how countries are doing economic wise. It entails the aggregate production or output in a country. GDP can be measured using either the expenditure approach where all final expenditures are added or by the income approach where all compensations of employees and other forms of incomes are added up. GDP is used to measure an economy’s economic growth. Hartzenberg T et al (2005, 114). The real GDP can be used to establish how an economy is performing and hence compare various economies as one can compare their outputs. It is also important in the sense that it can be used for forecasting purposes and hence important in planning. This paper will distinguish the difference between economic growth which can be measured using GDP statistics and national welfare or people’s well being. According to McConnel and Brue in their distinguished book ‘Economics’, a country can be said to have economic growth when there is a positive increase in its GDP. Economic growth is different from economic welfare and economic development. Economic growth is characterized by an increment in natural resources, the quantity or quality for the human resources, as well as an improvement in technology that translates to increased productivity. Economic growth refers to a positive shift in the production possibility curve to the right or where economic efficiency is attained. McConnel and Brue (2005, 149). A country A could register a higher GDP than country B but this does not necessarily mean that country A is doing better in terms of economic welfare as there is a clear distinction between economic growth and national welfare. This can be blamed on the limitations attached or rather linked to GDP calculation and analysis. (facstaff. uww. edu). Walter in the book ‘Economics’, noted that GDP ignores or rather omits household production which is an important sector in as far as determining the welfare of people is concerned. Wessels W (2006, 75). Alan and Laurence backed this idea in their book ‘Macroeconomics an integrated approach’ where they argued that GDP does not account for the unreported incomes which are earned in the ‘underground economy’. A good illustration of unreported incomes is a situation where waiters fail to report all the tips they acquire while on duty. People may fail to report their actual incomes to evade taxes. Statistical problems could also have occurred creating the impression that country A had a higher GDP than country B though this may not be actually be the case. Some people may not divulge all the information regarding their incomes or expenditure leading to wrong GDP estimates. If country B has a very significant ‘underground economy’ then her citizens could be doing better than those in country A even though the latter had a lower GDP. This is an indication that high GDP rates do not necessarily translate to better welfare for the citizens. Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1998, 136). When calculating GDP the aspect of leisure is ignored although it is very critical in as far as defining people’s welfare is concerned. Country A could register a higher GDP than country B but the citizens in country A could have been overworked leading to health complications. In this case, the high GDP could be at the expense of the people’s health and we cannot conclude that it ensured their welfare or well being. Wessels W (2006, 75). Using GDP figures to determine the people’s welfare is inappropriate as it fails to include ecological costs incurred in the process of attaining the said GDP. Ecological costs include the costs of pollution. Country A could register a higher GDP than country B due to the fact that country A had better technology that ensured increased production. However, the increased production could have been realized in the face of increased air, water and land pollution all of which poses health hazards to the citizens. Wessels W (2006, 75). When such is the case then we cannot conclude that country B is doing better than country A. People’s well being encompasses the people’s health and not just their economic well being. A country with lower GDP but ensuring that her environment is safe for her citizens is doing well in terms of national welfare even though it could record a lower GDP than one with a higher GDP but has a polluted environment. GDP ignores a country’s environmental quality and it fails to account for the consequences that an economic growth could come along with. Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1998, 136). GDP also focuses on output or production although it is consumption that could best explain people’s welfare. For instance country A could sell more goods to other nations like country B since the demand for such goods in country B is higher. In this context, country B could be doing better than country A but since country A exports more it may create the impression that it is doing better. On the other hand, country B may register a lower GDP translating to being worse off as her net exports are negative but in the real sense they could be doing better. Focusing only on the output approach would lead to distortions while addressing the issue of national welfare. Another critical issue cited by Wessels as a limitation of using GDP to evaluate a country’s or nation’s well being is the fact that government spending is valued at cost rather than at its value. Government projects in country A could have been at a higher cost than those in country B but an important aspect to consider here is how much the projects were worth to the citizens. This is because some important projects could be undervalued while worthless projects are overvalued and this will have a significant impact in as far as influencing the people’s welfare or well being is concerned. Wessels (2006, 75). GDP calculation does not include the plight of the people in terms of health and life expectancy which are quite important in assessing the people’s well being or welfare. Country A could have a higher GDP than country B but if she has a lower life expectancy rate and is performing poorly in terms of general health of her citizens then we cannot argue that her citizens are better off than those of country B especially if in country B the life expectancy and general health is better. Health which is a very important factor in determining the people’s welfare when calculating a country’s GDP people’s conditions health wise are only included if they increase the costs of the health system. A country’s health costs could be attributed to modern and advanced health technologies but this does not guarantee a nations well being health wise as the costs incurred may not match the benefits attained. Democracy or political freedom is an important part in determining people’s welfare. Good governance is one where respective freedoms are respected and most importantly democracy embraced. Using GDP to evaluate people’s welfare is inappropriate as it does not provide any information regarding a country’s governance. Country A could register a higher GDP than country B but the political organization in country A could be oppressive to the citizens. In this context, we cannot argue that country A citizens are better than those in country B which could be exercising democracy and consequently not oppressing her citizens. (facstaff. uww. edu). Another vital issue in defining people’s well being is assessing social justice in a country. If country A registered a higher GDP but was very poor in terms of the civil justice system then we cannot conclude that her citizens well being was ensured. Country B citizens could be doing better at a lower GDP level if she ensured an effective social justice system. An effective system ensures that the rule of law is embraced and people’s rights respected. This is important in ensuring that corruption which threatens people’s welfare as it only benefits a segment of the total population is kept at bay. Using GDP to compare the well being of people in country A and B could give a wrong impression of what is actually the case. This is attributed to the fact that a country could have overly adjusted for inflation leading to the impression that increase in prices translate to hikes in prices even when this could be as a result of improvement in the products produced. Morse S (2004, 39). Another aspect that makes it inappropriate to compare country’s welfare using the GDP statistics is the fact that for such comparisons one must convert the currencies into the other country’s currency and when carrying out the conversions it is possible to understate a country’s GDP especially in the developing nations. A country A could register a higher GDP than country B due to errors arising from conversions of currencies. (facstaff. uww. edu). Country A could have a higher GDP than country B but her citizens could be worse off than those of country B in terms of national welfare. This is attributed to the fact that country A could be characterized by many social evils as opposed to country B. Failure to include the non-market production in the calculation of GDP makes it an inappropriate tool in determining people’s welfare in an economy. Such services like childcare, subsistence farming and care for the aged mean a lot in as far as people’s welfare is concerned. Country A could have a higher GDP but with a lower subsistence economy when compared to country B. A significant subsistence economy would ensure that a country’s food security is ensured and this would place her citizens at a better stance in as far as their well being or welfare is concerned. GDP fails to account for the effects or consequences of technology which has an impact in its determination. In contrast GDP is more concerned on the value of the end product without taking to concern the efficiency of the technologies in question. If country A registered a higher GDP than country B but country A’s government invested more in sectors like education and health ensuring that her citizens were better off in those areas then we can conclude that country B’s welfare is doing well even if it has a lower GDP than country A. Treating investment in education and health as consumption rather than investments makes it difficult to estimate people’s welfare. Willis I (1997, 164). Distribution of resources in a country is also a point to consider when using GDP figures to estimate people’s welfare. Country A could register a higher GDP than country B but this high GDP could have been arrived from a small insignificant proportion of the total population. This is to say that it is inappropriate to say that country A citizens are doing better than those in country B as the GDP is contributed by a small proportion while a large proportion of the society could be languishing in poverty. Income distribution is of much essence when determining people’s welfare in an economy. The inequality issue and GDP arise more so in developing countries or third world as opposed to developed ones. Willis I (1997, 164). Social issues like family stability are also not reflected when calculating GDP although it has an impact on people’s welfare or well being. GDP in country A could be higher than that in country B as more money is being channelled into paying divorce cases lawyers or building more police posts in response to increased crime rates. This illustrates that it is inappropriate to make conclusions about people’s welfare using GDP. In his book ‘The Japanese Economy’, Mitsuo Saito noted the inappropriateness of GDP as a tool of evaluating people’s well being due to the fact that it does not indicate the labour conditions, housing conditions, state of the social security or the urban life which are crucial in determining people’s well being. Saito M (2000, 13). Economic growth could be based on either the demand side or the supply side of an economy. The aggregate demand could increase due to an increment in the population size while aggregate supply could be due to the discovery of new natural resources. Aggregate output is affected by the level of labour supply, the stock of accumulated capital, level of technology as well as the institutions in place. There is an inverse relationship between prices levels and output and when prices levels fall the output increases. Tanzi and Chu (1998, 203). Monetary and fiscal policies in a given economy would affect the country’s well being or welfare. The people’s welfare will be affected by the policies that an economy embraces. Good policies are those that aim for equitable economic growth in a nation. They ensure that the poor in the society are not worse off but instead uplift them. This can be achieved through the application of equitable taxes such that people’s ability to pay is what determines the amount they are to pay all taxes. The rich will pay a higher amount than the poor in such cases. The government could also apply fiscal policies to ensure development for the poor in society. References: Alan J. Auerbach, Laurence J. Kotlikoff. 1998. Macroeconomics: An Integrated Approach. MIT Press. Bernard Baumohl. 2007. The Secrets of Economic Indicators: Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and Investment Opportunities. Wharton School Publishing. Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue. 2005. Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishers. Measuring GDP and economic growth. Retrieved on 23rd November 2008 from http://facstaff. uww. edu/ahmady/courses/econ202/ps/sg3. pdf Mitsuo Saito. 2000. The Japanese Economy. World Scientific Publishers. Ian Wills. 1997. Economics and the Environment: A Signaling and Incentives Approach Allen & Unwin Publishers. Stephen Morse. 2004. Indices and Indicators in Development: An Unhealthy Obsession with Numbers? Earthscan Publishers. T. Hartzenberg, Buck Standish, A. Wentzel, V. Tang, T. Hartzenberg, S. Richards. 2005.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critical Issues Paper Essay

This paper will discuss the technology used in policing and how technology enhances or detracts from police organizations’ ability to function. Then, I would like to discuss the examples of less-than-lethal weapons and how less-than-lethal weapons affect policing in today’s society In addition, example of dangers faced by police and how police organizations address these dangers. In the 1900s when policing was created they had to face many issues to make sure that they handle lowering crime rates. Those were desperate times for policemen in a hostile country with unpaved streets and uneven sidewalks, sometimes miles from the police station, with little prospects of assistance in case of need. It took nerve to be a policeman in those days. The first use of technology in policing was cars, radios, computers, and firearms. If it were not for the creation of technology in 1900s police departments would have a very hard time to stop all the crimes that were being created. So in 1960 the Crime Commission was established. Today in the 21st Century there are many new kinds of technology used in policing and one is being created for the â€Å"future cops† which decreases the dangerous high-speed chases with criminals is the StarChase System. The StarChase system is a laser guided GPS tracking system that is launched from the front grill of the squad car and guided by a laser-light. The police departments would find ways on how to prevent and solve crimes with the use of technology. Only in recent years have many agencies found the use of information technologies significantly helpful. Some examples of these technology uses include fingerprinting databases, computerized crime mapping, and records management systems doing everything from inventorying property and cataloging evidence to calculating solvability factors. Police Agencies in modern society are a part of the American fabric to serve and protect the American public. The United States currently have more than 15,000 police agencies, (Walker & Katz, 2002). Police Departments across the United States face similar critical issues policing. All police officers face dangers in the job of policing the dangers can emanate from internal and external origins. Police officers have continued to evolve to serve communities by finding better less than lethal alternatives to weapons used. In addition, police departments have continued to keep up with modern technology to assist them with information storage and acquisition while in the field. Department of Homeland Security was also developed to assist Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies with information sharing to prevent linkage blindness which was prevalent before the 9/11 attacks on the United States. There has been a major push in several areas of policing to make policing more efficient with regards to information access and safer for the officers, suspects, and communities. Police officers place themselves in danger every day. Danger is an inherent condition and circumstance of the job of serving and protecting the public. Police officers are injured and some have been killed in the line of duty enforcing the law and defending the justice system. The job of a police officer is to protect the life and safety of others, which means placing themselves at risk while performing their duties. Police training can lead to success of police officer preventing or limiting dangerous situations by anticipating and de-escalating the situations before they become elevated. There are additional dangers such as effects of stress. Law enforcement agencies use many different technology instruments to prevent and investigate criminal activity. These instruments assist officers to do their duties faster and more efficient than in the past. Information technology instruments, advanced weapons technology instruments, and crime analysis technology instruments are used to assist law enforcement officers to provide serve to their communities. Information technology includes database and information instruments, computer- aided dispatch instruments, record management system instruments, and mobile computing instruments. Computerized relational databases instruments gather and store information on suspects and convicted criminals and are used for management purposes, such as tracking the number and types of arrest that officers make and the number of complaints against an officer. An example of computerized relational databases are use by law enforcement are when the officer makes a traffic stop and runs the drivers information, such as name , date of birth , and driver license number , to determine if the driver has any warrants of arrest. Another example of computerized relational databases is the registration of sex offenders, sex offenders in most states have to give law enforcement agencies any change of address. Computer-aided dispatch instruments offer faster and more effective methods of communicating with law enforcement officers than in the past . Computer-aided 911 and the 311 dispatch systems helps dispatchers and law enforcement officers to prioritize calls for service. It also enhances law enforcement officer’s safety by monitoring the officer’s status, it alerts dispatchers to officers who have not updated their field status. Records management system instruments are used to input and organize information from different types of reports in one easy to access format.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Impact of IT systems on the work of managers in 5 star hotels in Essay

The Impact of IT systems on the work of managers in 5 star hotels in California - Essay Example People have become more active in tourism. Hospitable industry has been doing very well. Things like 9/11 attacks do affect the rates, but then that is also on temporary basis. People have started resuming their touring activities. The responsibilities also rise on the shoulders of managers. These are just a few tasks that manager have to do when in hotel management. Illustrated below are the general tasks found in the managers of California based hotels. The above mentioned tasks are just a few jobs that are under taken by the management. Now lets see how technology has helped these managers in improving their tasks. One advantage that technology has given is that where 5 people used to be required to do a certain task, now even one person can takeover aoo those tasks with the help of technological softwares implemented. POS Systems are being used efficiently in the hotels of California. Lynne Brakeman (2006) says POS are used for taking guest orders, collecting and analyzing financial transaction information, and providing data security and accountability. Credit card skimming, handwriting recognition, consumer preference for debit cards and contactless payment devices are some of the main issues influencing the evolution POS technology in the hospitality industry. Online Reservation Systems act as management tool to handle booking, customer support, and property information and transformation arrangement. These management tools allow the managers to keep the record of customers and send newsletters or ecards. The customers can easily ask about their queries to the management staff and do not actually need to visit the premises. Management tools Pacific Plaza Hotels in California use management tools to perform the following operational tasks. (Examples of few management tools are discussed below) Prepare, implement and monitor: Business plan Purchasing and inventory controls Accounting systems, including reporting Accounts receivable and payable Forecasts, budgets and monthly variance Capital improvement schedules Recruiting, training, supervising and controlling property management and staff Establish preventative maintenance programs Property visits by corporate executives Computerized Card keys Computer Card Keys are another form of technology. They are an alternative to physical keys. Management of California hotels used to face problems like keys being duplicated. These actions resulted in stealing of objects from the rooms. Computerized Card Keys have made things a

Origin and Early Expansion of Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Origin and Early Expansion of Islam - Essay Example This change was mainly brought about by the new religion of Islam. "Islam exploded upon the world with the sudden force of a desert whirlwind."1(Hyslop 1991,18) Islam unified the tribal groups of Arabia and its sphere of influence increased with more and more people being drawn to the new religion. By the beginning of the eighth century, Islam had spread from India in the east to Spain in the west, making the other ancient empires look puny by contrast. This spectacular expansion of Islam was made possible by the social, political and economic conditions of the people prevailing during the time and the simplicity of the religion.. It is indubitable that Islam brought many different peoples together because of its emphasis on charity. Arabia was peopled by the nomadic Bedouin tribes as well as the traders and merchants who lived a settled life. The Bedouins were poor and had a hard life, while the traders and merchants lived a settled life of comfort. Trade routes from many countries crossed in South Arabia. Luxury goods like silk, spices and precious stones were brought from India and China by the arab dhows, which then were transported by land, in caravans to the empires of the Mediterranean and Europe. The Arab traders who controlled the trade from India and China to the Mediterranean and European countries became very rich. Greed of the rich was increasing while the poor people suffered untold hardships. In 613 A.D, when Mohammad first started preaching his new religion, with its emphasis on charity to the poor, it appealed to the rich and poor alike. Many people converted to the new religion. Another reason for the rapid rise of Islam was that religion was not separate from politics in Islam. According to Goldschmidt, "Religion was a corporate experience, a community of believers bound together by adherence to a common set of laws and beliefs, rather than a private and personal relationship between each person and his maker. Religion and politics were inextricably intertwined."2 (Goldschmidt 2005, 106) At the time, the Byzantine Empire with its capital at Constantinople , and the Sassanian Empire ,had both become impoverished by constant wars. The weakened conditions of the formidable empires made it easy for the Islamic warriors to conquer new lands. "The fierce efficiency of the desert warriors and their fervor under Islam contributed to the explosive campaign of conquest."3 (Hyslop 1991, 40) The appeal of the new religion was very great- it attracted people from all walks of life. The basic rules required to be followed by the followers of Islam, who were called Muslims, were only five, and they were very simple. The first rule was, acknowledging that there is only one god who is called Allah, and that Mohammad was his prophet. The second rule was to pray five times a day facing Mecca. The third rule was to fast during the month of Ramzan. The fourth rule was to pay zakat , a kind of charity , and the fifth rule was to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a Muslim's lifetime. The rewards for observing these simple rules were quite attractive for the Arabs. They would share the loot, as well as receive attractive rewards in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Culture of Laos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Culture of Laos - Essay Example Culture First of all, religious belief plays a decisive role within the scenario of Lao culture. To be specific, one can easily identify the influence of Buddhism in the culture of Laos. John Holt opines that, â€Å"When writing about Lao culture, however, one also has to take into account that most of the â€Å"ethnic Lao† population, and therefore Lao Buddhism and religious culture, actually resides outside of the current political boundaries of Laos† (9). At the same time, the different elements of culture, like art and literature, are deeply influenced by Theravada Buddhism. Besides, South East Asian conventional way of life still prevails in Laos and the same influence their cultural aspects. The influence of traditional way of life is evident in their food habits. For instance, rice is generally considered as an important food grain in Laos. The people of Laos connect their food habits with their culture because the same is related to their daily life. Physical location One can see that this nation is located within the South Eastern side of Asia. Lydia Laube states that, â€Å"Laos is a landlocked country of 236,800 square kilometres† (1). Some of the important nations in this region share their borders with this nation. To be specific, Laos shares its border with China, an important nation in this area. At the same time, Laos shares her boundary with Burma, a less dominant nation in this area. ... This nation is well known for its conservative measures that protect its natural vegetation. Still, opium production in the border areas is an important problem to be dealt with utmost importance. Population The present population of this nation is above 6 million. One must not misunderstand that most of the people live in big cities. Instead, most of the people live in the valley areas, especially within the banks of the most important river system in Laos, i.e. the River Mekong. Even the capital city (say, named as Vientiane prefecture) of this nation does not face population explosion because its population is below 800000. So one can see that population explosion is not an imminent threat for the people of Laos. Still, this low population is an advantage to the nation because this nation possesses the youngest population in the Asian continent. Religious beliefs The most important religious belief in this nation is Buddhism, especially Theravada Buddhism. To be specific, around 7 0% of the people believe in Theravada Buddhism. Besides, Christianity is less influential among the people in this nation. Still, the core aspects of Hinduism indirectly influence their beliefs because Buddhism originated from this religion. Besides, some people in this nation practice Animism, i.e., the belief that provides importance to the natural phenomena. On the other side, the constitution ensures religious freedom to the citizens. But the Communist/Socialist government provides less importance to religious practices in public. Ethnic groups One among the important ethnic groups in this nation is Lao Loum, who lives in the lowland region. To be specific, this ethnic group gained political and intellectual importance in the society. The origin of this ethnic group is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Zar (religious custom) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Zar (religious custom) - Research Paper Example For instance, mental illness among the believers of this cult is often associated with Zar possession. This possession is further considered to be more common among the feminine gender; however, in the west, immigrants associate the Zar possession with the male gender. Further, Zar being a trance ceremony in some parts of Africa and the Middle East is technically unacceptable in the Islam religion. Despite the prohibition, the practice involves a healing cult where believers engage in drumming and dancing. Zar also provides an avenue for sharing knowledge and doing charity work among women in a patriarchal society evident for instance, in North Africa and the Middle East. In this religious custom, women dominate the sphere of leadership and participation is also dominated by the female gender (Boddy 6). This paper explores the practices related to Zar cult in Northern Sudan, Egypt and also the Middle East. This ceremony normally occur purposely to treat mental illness, despite being several ways of resolving psychological disturbance, the Zar ceremony is considered as the last resort in dealing with a number of ailments. However, this practice is not common in most part of Egypt, but is popular in the southern Egypt and extends to Sudan. In times of conducting the ceremony, this practice normally occur in a big room and one that is not used by the family members. As such, families normally rent a room to conduct the ceremony (Boddy 21). The other important aspect of the ceremony practiced by the Zar, is an emphasis on the altar. The altar used by Zar believers resembles a round tray and is placed on top of a bench that is in the center of the room used by the believers. In addition, the altar used by Zar is covered using a white cloth that also contains piles of dried fruits and nuts. In essence, the person who leads the Zar ceremony is required to keep the ritual on

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Greenest Preservred Historical Places in New Orleans Essay

The Greenest Preservred Historical Places in New Orleans - Essay Example These attractions therefore, greatly attract a large numbers of tourists who come to visit various places all over the country. The country has good tourism and hospitality hence enjoy a lager number of tourists every season. In this country tourism is one of the largest and most vital sectors in the economy (Poesch, 49). It is proud to amongst one of the states with several historic structures and districts. In order to uphold this status, New Orleans has come up with history preservation law which allows for designation of properties with or without the owners consent. This has been made much easier as the owner have been compensated through TDR law that facilitates the transfer of unused rights in development from properties having historical rights to those in other locations with historic landmarks(Poesch, 342). Back in 2007, New Orleans established the preservation salvage store with the sole aim of preserving the identity and architecture of the state. The store is used as a p lace to keep donated material from demolished structures. These materials are then resold to other people at low and affordable prices. Through this initiative, numerous architectural features have been reused into the famous housing store in New Orleans therefore ensuring the preservation of the rich multicultural inheritance. New Orleans is known world over of its outstanding, unique architectural designs ranging from cottages made of Creole to huge mansions on the St. Charles Avenue. Several architectural styles ranging from baroque cabildo to the considered modernist skyscrapers found in the central business district (Poesch, 276). The stores have other importance in New Orleans in that it plays a greater role in â€Å"greening† of New Orleans. For instance those materials salvaged from sand fills are environmentally safe and therefore advisable for use in rebuilding and renovation of homes. Instead of constructing new structures, the store provides an option of reinvesti ng in the cities’ present housing stock (Poesch, 92). Many might be wondering why New Orleans has been so much into advocating for building new â€Å"green† structures instead of utilizing those that are already built. It has been proven that reusing an old water bottle is a great idea instead of buying a new one. For this reason the question of why not using the old building then instead of constructing new ones? Because of this, different line of thoughts (new Orleans city council and Vieux carre commission-a conservationist group, have clashed over the idea of installation of solar panel on the roof tops in the French quarter. The council recommended that the solar panels are to be black and be placed at an angle which will blend best with the roof color. This idea was welcome by most residence who said that it was in line with objective of making French quarter an exciting, habitable community. The solar panel to be installed would in deed provide energy that can b e utilized by the residence and thereby reducing their cost of living in terms of electricity cost, this was the point being posed by the city council (Poesch, 187). According to Alter, a professor at the school of interior design, Ryerson University, best way forward to combat problems resulting from climate change is by focusing less on the â€Å"green gizmo†

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Global Warming Speech Essay - 9

Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Global Warming Speech - Essay Example There are many causes that contribute to global warming. As scientists say, global warming is attributed to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere resulting in blanket-like effect (John). The greenhouse gases generally originate from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, natural gas. In addition, cutting down of trees and burning of forests commonly result in carbon accumulation. Trees purify the air of carbon dioxide, through utilizing it in photosynthesis (Chris). Furthermore, agricultural practices plus certain waste management practices tend to contribute nitrous oxide and methane gas (n.p). Global warming has caused a number of problems to the earth. One of the biggest entails the rise in sea level. With every rise in atmospheric temperatures, results in melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctica regions contributing to the sea and ocean levels rising. The aftermath of such involves weird phenomenon like floods, typhoons and hurricanes (John). A good example is hurricane Katrina which took thousands of lives and destroyed a number of homesteads. Moreover, the temperature rise in other areas has resulted in the expansion of deserts and contributing to drought in many regions. The climatic conditions required for growth of certain crops have also been disturbed causing a big problem to farmers (John). Global warming can be solved. In minimizing emission of greenhouses can be the first step in curbing it. First of all, discouraging unnecessary deforestation can be a good step. Proper waste disposal or recycling of wastes can minimize emissions of methane plus nitrous oxide. Planting of trees can beneficial in places where deforestation has already taken place (John). In conclusion, global warming is a menace which has to be solved in order to save the earth from its ravaging effects. Human beings have an opportunity to reverse this change and make the world a better place for the future generations.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Response Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response Paper - Assignment Example Additionally, with an introduction of innovative Korean entertainment products such as Korean movies and television programs, the situation is more likely to improve. The writer, therefore, analyses the integration of Korean culture in Japan through the perspectives of Japanese women who are fans of Winter Sonata (Chua & Iwabuchi, 2008). In the article, the writer creates a social conflict by explaining the differing opinion in the perception of Korean culture. In this regard, the writer’s mother has a pre juristic hatred against Koreans living in Japan despite her having a strong preference for the Winter Sonata, a Korean based television drama. The writer is very concerned because she had many Korean friends, she had learned the Korean language and had at one time taught it to primary school students. Her mother on the other had had limited information on Korean culture, as well as limited interaction with Koreans (Chua & Iwabuchi, 2008). The writer is puzzled by the popularity of the Winter Sonata in Japan despite the Korean prejudice. In the research, the author evaluated the differences among the Sonata fans. In addition, the writer also examined on the reason behind Sonora’s high popularity in middle-aged and elderly women. The author questions as to whether the show can be used to transform the negative perception of Korean culture by the Japanese society. Traditionally, the Japanese society had undermined the Korean culture due to historical reasons that are dated back in the early 1940s during the Second World War. Political and social injustices of the Korean society by Japan worsened the situation. In spite of this, the Korean culture has popularized a contemporary modern culture that is acceptable to Japanese culture. In this regard, the writer appreciates the role of Korean films, contemporary Korean music and international events (including the 2002 FIFA World Cup) as the main cornerstones of promoting integration of Korean society in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Three Key Learnings Essay Example for Free

Three Key Learnings Essay This course had been a strong push for me in my career as it has given me the key skills that I needed to face the challenges that I am to face as a professional individual in my field of interest. Undeniably, the skills that I have learned made me more confident in handling real hands-on-basis activities that are to be presented to me in the actual field of work that I am to undergo. These skill enhancements have certainly made me more confident in presenting software that would be much helpful in the field of technological development in the society today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The qualitative research elements that have been presented to us through this course made me more knowledgeable in handling new era developments in the field of Computer Technology. Improving the existing computer software being used today has become one of the main goals that I have set for myself because of the exposure that I had with qualitative research approach studies. Undermining the different strengths and weaknesses of the existing computer programs today has made me greatly interested the process of enhancing and developing more sophisticated programs that would appear much helpful in the process of improving the systems of the current computer technology situation in the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In terms of analyzing other sets of studies that aim to present the different details about several software-programs prepared to present the pros and the cons of the systems in actual applications, this course has made me more confident in the presentations that I am making to be able to handle several analysis reports. Undeniably, this course me more dependable and a lot more competent in my field of study as I am now able to become more practically critical with the works that I am presenting to the officials of my profession and to the public as well. This course actually gave me a clear view on what grave responsibilities I am about to take in as I take steps forward in accepting this profession. True, facing a highly technological world is a huge responsibility for individuals such as my type. But with the right skills and right disposition in facing the challenges of the profession that I am to accept, the said responsibilities could be well performed for the betterment of the larger population of the human society that I am about to serve.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the part of synthesizing the studies that are further performed to help in the process of computer technology’s development for the present world of commerce and world connections, I have been able to see the difference of simply understanding the issue from that of directly making solutions for the issues that are concerned with the current computer applications used today. I have learned that seeing deeply in the problem is one particular key that enhances the analysis of the programs thus equipping the analysts the needed understanding that they have to posses to be able to deal with the issues of the system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Overall, from this course, I was able to recognize what it is that I have to deal with in facing the major issues concerned with computer technology today. Through the skills that I have learned and the attitude that I have gained, I realized how important my profession is for the modern society that we are living with today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The United Nation’s Constitutions’ article 1, Section 6, Clause1 Essay Example for Free

The United Nation’s Constitutions’ article 1, Section 6, Clause1 Essay The following is a discussion on basic principles under the constitution on the above clause. The amendment of the clause was done under amendment 27 – limiting the congressional pay increases. The 27th Amendment which was first proposed on September 25th 1789, as an article of the then Bill of right did not pass since it failed to meet the number of states required. For this reason it sat, without ratification but did not have an expiry date for a period of past 80 years until Ohio ratified it in protest of a congressional pay rise. Â  In 1978, Wyoming ratified it but there still lacked follow-up by the other states and in the early 1980’s Gregory Watson, who was an aide to a Texas legislator, took up the proposal of an amendment’s cause. Â  Between 1983 and 1992, the required number states ratified the amendment, and it was declared a ratified amendment on May 7, 1992. Â  The Article gives all senators and Representatives a right to receive a compensation for their services to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases except Treason (the attempt to overthrow the government of one’s nation), Felony (serious crime such as murder) and Breach of peace be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to and coming out of the same, and for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place’. This exempted all Senators and Representatives from arrest on their way and out of the House a privilege that helps them attend the house session without interruption as long as the said offences are not in place. It is important for the Representatives and Senators salaries to be got from the United States Treasury something that guarantees that the figures received are well looked into as it is a law already passed and written. This also meant that the senators and representatives may get a increase on their salaries on when the treasury declares and sees that it can afford the funds for the period in question. Â  The clause continues to state that ‘No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof have been increased during such time, and no person holding any office under the United States shall be a member of the House during his Continuance in office’. Â  This second part of the clause very clearly disapproves a person who is already appointed to any civil authority becoming a member of the House. At least this way equal chance for people is supported since one can only have one government job at a time. This will make the Senator or the Representative fully dedicated to serving the people since they can only have this as the single source of income from the government. It also forbids any person who is already elected in the House as a senator or representative from ‘benefiting’ from money meant for the civil office. This will result in more transparency as far as the government and funds is concerned. This clause states that the Senators or representatives will be well compensated so this way their needs are well met for the term they happen to be in the house and since they are allowed to enjoy a two term incase they still make it to the house then it becomes the responsibility of a senator or representative as to what they deliver during their term/s.

Input And Output Devices Computer Science Essay

Input And Output Devices Computer Science Essay The computer will be of no use unless it is able to communicate with the outside world. Input and Output devices are required for users to communicate with the computer. In simple terms, input devices bring information into the computer and output devices bring information out of a computer system. These input/output devices are also known as peripherals since they enclose the CPU and memory of a computer system. A hardware device that accepts inputted information and also has the capability of outputting that information. Good examples of an input and output devices are a floppy diskette drive and a hard disk drive. An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside world. In computing, input and output, refers to the communication between an information processing system (such as computer), and the outside world. Inputs are the signals or data sent to the system, and output are the signals or data sent by the system to the outside. The most common input devices used by the computer are the keyboard and mouse. The keyboard allows the entry of textual information while the mouse allows the selection of a point on the screen by moving a screen cursor to the point and pressing a mouse button. The most common outputs are monitors and speakers. Output devices Examples of output devices Any peripheral that receives and/or displays output from a computer. To the right is a picture of an inkjet printer and a good example of an output device. Below is a listing of all the different types of computer output devices found on a computer. Sound card Video card Projector Monitor Speakers Printer Features and Functions Sound Card D:MMU fileSEM 3Computer Applicationsound card.jpg A sound card (also known as an audio card) is a computer expansion card that facilitate the input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of computer programs. Typical uses of sound cards comprise providing the audio component for multimedia applications such as music composition, editing video or audio, presentation, education, and entertainment (games). Many computers have sound capabilities built in, while others necessitate extra expansion cards to provide for audio capability. Video CardD:MMU fileSEM 3Computer ApplicationVideo_Card.jpg A video card, video adapter, graphics-accelerator card, display adapter or graphics card is an extension card whose function is to generate and output images to a display. Many video cards offer added functions, such as accelerated rendering of 3D scenes and 2D graphics, video capture, TV-tuner adapter, MPEG-2/MPEG-4 decoding, FireWire, light pen, TV output, or the ability to connect multiple monitors (multi-monitor). Other modern high performance video cards are used for more graphically demanding purposes, such as PC games. images7 Projector A video projector takes a video signal and projects the corresponding image on a projection screen using a lens system. All video projectors use a very bright light to project the image, and most modern ones can correct any curves, blurriness, and other inconsistencies through manual settings. Video projectors are widely used for meeting room presentations, classroom training, home theatre and live events applications. Projectors are widely used in many schools and other educational settings, connected to an interactive white board to interactively teach pupils. Monitor images5 A monitor or display (sometimes called a visual display unit) is an electronic visual display for computers. The monitor comprises the display device, circuitry, and an enclosure. The display device in modern monitors is typically a thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD), at the same time as older monitors use a cathode ray tube (CRT). Speakersimages8 Computer speakers, or multimedia speakers, are speakers external to a computer that disable the lower fidelity built-in speaker. They often have a low-power internal amplifier. The standard audio connection is a 3.5mm (1/8 inch) stereo jack plugs frequently colour-coded lime green (following the PC 99 standard) for computer sound cards. A plug and socket for a two-wire (signal and ground) coaxial cable that is generally used to connect analogy audio and video components. Also called a phono connector, rows of RCA sockets are found on the backs of stereo amplifier and numerous A/V products. The prong is 1/8 thick by 5/16 long. A few use an RCA connector for input. There are also USB speakers which are powered from the 5 volts at 200 milliamps provided by the USB port, allowing about half a watt of output power. Printerimages6 In computing, a printer is a peripheral which produces a hard copy (permanent readable text and/or graphics) of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies. Many printers are first and foremost used as local peripherals, and are attached by a printer cable or, in most new printers, a USB cable to a computer which serves as a document source. Some printers, commonly known as network printers, have built-in network interfaces (typically wireless and/or Ethernet), and can serve as a hardcopy device for any user on the network. Person printers are frequently designed to support both local and network connected users at the same time. In addition, a small number of modern printers can directly interface to electronic media such as memory sticks or memory cards, or to image capture devices such as digital cameras, scanners; some printers are combined with a scanners and/or fax machines in a single unit, and can function as photocopie rs. Printers that include non-printing features are sometimes called Multifunction printers (MFP), Multi-Function Devices (MFD), or All-In-One (AIO) printers. Most MFPs include printing, scanning, and copying in the middle of their features. Advantages and Disadvantages of Output Devices No Output devices Advantages Disadvantages 1 Monitor Comparatively cheap and reliable, can display text and graphics in a wide range of colures. They are also quiet and do not squander paper. No enduring copy to keep and unsuitable for users with visual problems. 2 Printer The purchase cost is low and the running costs are very low. They can print fairly quickly, particularly if you remember that multiple copies are being printed in one print run. They are robust and can operate in harsh environments. If several sheets of self-carbonating paper are placed into the printer then the impact will produce duplicate copies. The printing quality is low these printers produce low to medium quality black and white printing and can only print low resolution graphics. Because of the impact of the pins against the paper, these printers can be quite noisy. 3 Projector Enables a lot of people to be able to see something even from a distance Image quality may not be as good when projected. 4 Speakers Cheap and generally available.   Capable of producing very high quality sound. They are an analogue device so the digital sound signal has to be converted, usually by a sound card. Input Devices A hardware device that sends information to the computer. Without any input devices a computer would simply be a display device and not allow users to interact with it, much like a TV. To the right are a Logitech trackball mouse and an example of an input device. Below is a listing of all the different types of computer input devices found on a computer. Example of Input Devices Keyboard Gamepad Digital camera Mouse (pointing device) Microphone Webcam Joystick Scanner MIDI Keyboard Features and Functions for input devices Keyboard20071004_razer_lycosa In computing, a keyboard is an input device, partially modelled after the typewriter keyboard, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches. A keyboard typically has characters engraved or printed on the keys and each press of a key typically corresponds to a single written symbol. However, to produce some symbols requires pressing and holding several keys at the same time or in sequence. While most keyboard keys produce letters, numbers or signs (characters), other keys or real-time key presses can produce actions or computer commands. Gamepad D:MMU fileSEM 3Computer Application350__1_full_game_pad_001.jpg.png A gamepad (also called Joypad or control pad), is a type of game controller held in the hand, where the digits (especially thumbs) are used to offer input. Gamepads generally feature a set of action buttons handled with the right thumb and a direction controller handled with the left. The direction controller has traditionally been a four-way digital cross (also named a Joypad, or alternatively a D-pad), but most modern controllers as well (or as a substitute) feature an analog stick. Digital Camera images Most digital cameras function in much the same way as a traditional camera that uses film to record images, except that in place of the film, images are captured and preserved in the cameraà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s digital memory, which may be built-in or which may be on a detachable memory card. Mouserazer_naga_1 In computing, a mouse (plural mice, mousses, or mouse devices.) is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the users hands, with one or more buttons. It sometimes features other elements, such as wheels, which allow the user to perform a variety of system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features can additional control or dimensional input. The mouses motion typically translates into the motion of a cursor on a display, which allows for fine control of a Graphical User Interface. Microphone images1 A microphone (colloquially called a mic or mike) is an acoustic-to-electric transducer or sensor that converts sound into an electrical signal .Microphones are used in many applications such as telephones, tape recorders, karaoke systems, hearing aids, motion picture production, live and recorded audio engineering, FRS radios, megaphones, in radio and television broadcasting and in computers for recording voice, speech recognition, VoIP, and for non-acoustic purposes such as ultrasonic checking or knock sensors. Web Camimages4 A webcam is a video capture device connected to a computer or computer network, frequently using a USB port or, if connected to a network, Ethernet or Wi-Fi. The mainly popular use is for video telephony, permitting a computer to act as a videophone or video conferencing station. This can be used in messenger programs such as Windows Live Messenger, Skype and Yahoo messenger services. Other popular uses, which include the recording of video files or even still-images, are accessible via numerous software programs, applications and devices. Webcams are known for low manufacturing costs and flexibility, making them the lowest cost form of video telephony. The term webcam may also be used in its original sense of a video camera connected to the Web ceaselessly for an indefinite time, rather than for a particular session, generally supplying a view for anyone who visits its web page over the Internet. Some of these, for example those used as online traffic cameras, are expensive, rugged professional video cameras. Joystickimages A joystick is an input device consisting of a stick that pivots on a base and reports its angle or direction to the device it is controlling. Joysticks are often used to control video games, and usually have one or more push-buttons whose state can also be read by the computer. A popular variation of the joystick used on modern video game consoles is the analogy stick. The joystick has been the principal flight control in the cockpit of many aircraft, chiefly military fast jets, where centre stick or side-stick location may be employed. Joysticks are also used for controlling machines such as cranes, trucks, submerged unmanned vehicles, wheelchairs, surveillance cameras and zero turning radius lawn mowers. Miniature finger-operated joysticks have been adopted as input devices for smaller electronic equipment such as mobile phones. Scannerimages3 In computing, a scanner is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to a digital image. Common examples found in offices are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner where the document is placed on a glass window for scanning. Hand-held scanners, where the device is moved by hand, have evolved from text scanning wands to 3D scanners used for industrial design, overturn engineering, test and measurement, orthotics, gaming and other applications. Mechanically driven scanners that move the document are typically used for large-format documents, where a flatbed design would be impractical. MIDI Keyboardimages2 A MIDI keyboard is a piano-style digital keyboard device used for sending MIDI signals or commands to other devices connected to the same interface as the keyboard. MIDI is an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface (protocol). The basic MIDI keyboard does not produce sound. In its place, MIDI information is sent to an electronic module capable of reproducing an array of digital sounds or samples that resemble traditional analog musical instruments. These samples are also referred to as voices. Advantages and Disadvantages of Input Devices No Input Devices Advantages Disadvantages 1 Digital Camera No film is needed and there are no film developing costs Unwanted images can be deleted straight away Images are already digital and can easily be transferred to a computer and edited or transferred over the Internet Special image editing software can allow a huge range of adjustments and special effects to be tried Images often have to be compressed to shun using up too much expensive memory. 2 Joystick Easy to learn to use.   Very simple design so they can be reasonably priced. Control can be a bit crude as the directions in simple joysticks are limited to forward, backwards, left and right.   Better models offer diagonal movement or better. 3 Keyboard dependable for data input of text and numbers. Usually supplied with a computer so no additional cost. Specialized keyboards are available. Users may be slow for not very accurate typists. Slow for accessing menus etc. and difficult to use if you want to move objects around the screen. Difficult for people unable to use keyboards through paralysis or muscular disorder. 4 Microphone Voice recognition software can be used to convert your voice into text or to control menu options on a phone system. Stored audio files can take up a lot of memory. Voice commands can be difficult to recognise by the software. 5 MIDI keyboard Data from a musical instrument is easily captured and edited with a computer. MIDI files are small. MIDI files can be recorded on one type of instrument and played back on another. Audio cannot be recorded directly as an audio file such as MP3. The playback depends on the instrument/computer sound card so may not sound the same as the original. Only the note and the timing are stored. 6 Mouse Ideal for use with desktop computers. more often than not supplied with a computer so no additional cost. All computer users tend to be familiar with using them. They need a flat space close to the computer. The mouse cannot easily be used with laptop, notebook or palmtop computers. (These need a tracker ball or a touch sensitive pad called a touch pad). 7 Scanner Flat-bed scanners are very accurate and can produce images with a far higher resolution than a digital camera. Can produce very large image files which need a lot of computer memory to view and edit. Types of Pointing Devices pointing stick.jpg The is a small number of examples of pointing devices are pointing stick, touch screen, touch pad, joystick. A pointing stick is a pressure sensitive small nub used like a joystick. Its more frequently than not found on laptops embedded between the G, H, and B keys. It operates by sensing the force applied by the user. The corresponding mouse buttons are commonly placed just below the spacebar. It is also found on mice and some desktop keyboards. Touch Screen images13 A touch screen is a device embedded into the screen of the TV Monitor, or System LCD monitor screens of laptop computers. Users interrelate with the device by physically pressing items shown on the screen, either with their fingers or some helping tool. Touch screens could be used in couple with stylus pointing devices, while those powered by infrared do not require physical touch, but just differentiate the movement of hand and fingers in some minimum range distance from real screen. Touchpadimages9 A touchpad or track pad is a flat surface that can detect finger contact. Its a motionless pointing device, commonly used on laptop computers. At least one physical button normally comes with the touchpad, but the user can also generate a mouse click by tapping on the pad. Advanced features include pressure sensitivity and special gestures such as scrolling by moving ones finger along an edge. Joysticksjoystick.jpg Joysticks are often used to control video games, and usually have one or more push-buttons whose state can also be read by the computer. A popular variation of the joystick used on modern video game consoles is the analog stick. Joysticks are also used for controlling machines such as cranes, trucks, and underwater unmanned vehicles. Types of Keyboard What is Keyboard? Keyboard is a set of typewriter that enable to you to enter data into the computer. The key on the computer keyboard got alphanumeric keys, punctuation keys, and special keys. There are several types of keyboard. For examples, notebook keyboard, PDA stylus, Tablet PCs, Wireless keyboard, and Ergonomic keyboard. For notebook keyboard will with the screen and the CPU. Keyboards on laptops and notebook computers more often than not have a shorter travel distance for the keystroke and a reduced set of keys. They may not have a numerical keypad, and the function keys may be placed in locations that different from their placement on a standard, full-sized keyboard. The layout is based on the 104-key Windows design, except the keys are crammed into the available space. There is no numeric keypad, but you can see the labels on keys in the middle of the keyboard where it is superimposed (the letter J has the numeral 1 on it, K is 2, and so on). The Fn key in the lower left i s used to activate particular options when used in combination with the function keys at the top of the keyboard. z_011204note.jpg PDA Stylus images11 PDA stylus is a touch type keyboard. That a keyboard is needed for extensive typing, a person can use a fold up keyboard. The fold-up keyboards have all of the room of usual keyboards, yet still compact. Tablet PCs Keyboard Tablet PCs keyboard is the the majority common peoples in the world using. It use to type any data into the computer. It have a place for number keys, alphanumeric keys, punctuation keys, and special keys. Wireless Keyboard imagesCAH7GN2X.jpg Wireless Keyboard is the newest keyboard that came out this few years. The keyboard can use without wire, but the others function are same with the normal keyboard that we use. Ergonomic Keyboard images112 Ergonomic keyboard is computer keyboard designed with ergonomic considerations to minimize muscle strain and a host of related problems. An ergonomic keyboard may decrease muscle strain and reduce risk of Carpal Tunnel syndrome, but there is no clear evidence of benefit. After a user takes the time to adjust to this style of keyboard, these keyboards can make typing easier, faster and less awkward. The keys separated into two or three groups, allowing the user to type at a different angle than the typical straight keyboard. Types of Printer Printer is classified into 3 types. There are impact printer, nonimpact printer and specialty printer. The example of impact printer is Dot-matrix. Dot matrix printers are still commonly used in low-cost, low-quality applications like cash registers, or in demanding, very high volume applications like invoice printing. dot matrix printer.jpg The nonimpact printers have Inkjet and Laser. For the Inkjet, operate by propelling variably-sized droplets of liquid or molten material (ink) onto almost any sized page. They are the most ordinary type of computer printer for the universal consumer. The laser is a common type of computer printer that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics on plain paper. But the price will more expensive than others. laser.jpgliquid inkjet.jpg Inkjet Printer Laser Printer Specialty Printersmultifunction.jpg The specialty printers have multifunction, plotters and thermal printers. A multifunction printer is an office machine which incorporates the functionality of multiple devices in one, so as to have a smaller footprint in a home or small business setting or to provide centralized document management/ distribution/ production in a large-office setting. A typical multifunction printer may act as a combination of some or all of the printer, scanner, photocopier, fax and email. Plotterplotter.jpg Plotter is a computer printing device for printing vector graphics. In the past, plotters were generally used in applications such as computer-aided design, though they have generally been replaced with wide-format conventional printers. It uses a pen that moves over a large revolving sheet of paper. Thermal Printerthermal.jpg A thermal printer produces a printed image by selectively heating coated thermo chromic paper, or thermal paper as it is generally known, when the paper passes over the thermal print head. The coating turns black in the areas where it is heated, producing an image. Two-color direct thermal printers are capable of printing both black and an supplementary color (often red), by applying heat at two different temperatures. Types of Monitor Monitor is an output device that resembles the television screen and uses a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) to display information. The monitor is associated with a keyboard for guide input of characters and displays the information as it is keyed in. It also displays the program or application output. Like the television, monitors are also available in different sizes. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) LCD was introduced in the 1970s and is now applied to display terminals also. Its advantages like low energy consumption, smaller and lighter have paved its way for usage in portable computers (laptops). Devices used to get sound, video, and images into the computer Video capture is one of the most important hardware to be used for multimedia work on a personal computer. Video-capture results will depend on the performance and capacity of all of the components of your system working together. Video capture from analog devices like video camera requires a special Video capture card that converts the analog signals into digital form and compresses the data. Video-capture card use various components of the computer to pass frames to the processor and hard disk. For high-quality video, a video-capture card must be able to capture full-screen video at a high rate. For example for a full-motion video, the card must be capable of capturing about 35 frames per second at 720 by 480 pixels for digital video and 640 by 480 for analog video. To determine what settings will produce the best results for your projects, you must be careful in defining these parameters. A sound card is a device that attaches to the motherboard to enable the computer to input, process, and deliver sound. The sound card generates sounds; records sound from analog devices by converting them to digital mode and reproduce sound for a speaker by reconverting them to analog mode. Creative Labs Sound Blaster is a standard sound card, to the extent that some people use the name as a generic term. A video adapter provides extended capability to a computer in terms of video. The better the video adapter, the better is the quality of the picture you see. A high quality video adapter is a must for you while designing your multimedia project. Conclusion Described is an input and output device for inputting or outputting data of an electronic equipment. The input and output device is designed for being detachably mounted to the electronic equipment in at least two different positions. The input and output device features a first contacting arrangement which, independent of the selected position in the mounted state of the input and output device on the electronic equipment, electrically comes in connection with a second contacting arrangement present on the electronic equipment. In one embodiment, orientation of the device may be varied, thereby enabling it to be coupled to a receiver by a bayonet connection and with a set of contacting arrangement engaging the second contacting arrangement in any orientation. Furthermore, described is an operating and display module, as well as to a combination of an electronic equipment and an input and output device that can be detachably mounted thereto.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) :: Art Gallery Review

The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) had three different artists work on display. It was split up into three different rooms the first room was Design 99 To Much of a Good Thing and in the next room is Latoya Ruby Frazier Mother May I and in the last room was Jef Geys Woodward Avenue. The art that was on display was not traditional art work. All of the artist’s work displayed in the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit was out of the box thinking. The flow in each exhibit made it easy to move from one piece of art work to another piece of work. There are many different styles in the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) like industrial design, expressionism and art that has repetition. In the Design 99 Too Much of a Good Thing exhibit was not traditional art but found objects that were then change or to make something new out of different items. In this exhibit there are some pieces of art was walk-trough art. The artists idea was to take found materials and utilitarian objects to propose creative solutions to complex problems. The art named The Neighborhood Machine 2010 1996 773 Bobcat is an example of industrial design. The bobcat is a moving sculpture and parts are functional. The other exhibit is Latoya Ruby Frazier Mother May I which is photos and video of the artists grandmother, mother and herself. The photos show real and raw emotions of the artists homes and family life. When looking at the photos you could feel the emotion captured in the photo. When looking at the pieces of art work there was a rhythm that moved you from one piece of work to another piece of work. These photographs were not posed so there is a raw emotion of the relationship between grandmother, mother and herself. The last exhibit in the MOCAD is the Woodward Avenue by artist Jef Geys. The style of this art would have to fall under realism. The art captures the Detroit plants along Woodward Avenue at every intersection beginning at Cadillac and ending at Sagn inaw Street. In this exhibit you see dried specimens with the corresponding scientific description, photographs, specific maps and there are drawings that document the research. This collected images of plants continue the artist’s fascination with documentation, community engagement and art as a way to address larger social issues. This exhibit was interning to me to see all the different plant and to know that plants in the city unknown to most there are often edible, medicinal or even poisonous plants.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Abolitionism and Inactivity in Uncle Toms Cabin Essay -- Uncle Toms

The debate raging in the years 1836-1837 over women's proper duties and roles in regards to abolitionism was publicly shaped primarily by two opposing forces: on the one hand, sisters Angelina and Sarah Grimke, abolitionists and champions of women's rights; and on the other, Catharine Beecher, who opposed suffrage and women's involvement in abolitionism and argued in favor of woman's place in the home. After the printing of Angelina Grimkà ©'s pamphlet Appeal to the Christian Women of the Southern States (1836), Grimkà © and Catharine Beecher engaged in a written debate over woman's public role in regards to the slavery issue. Beecher responded to Grimkà ©'s assertions that Southern women should actively protest the system of slavery in her Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism (1837), in which she claimed that women, true to their naturally subordinate natures, were not fit to interfere in such matters. In light of these facts, it is surprising to note that Harriet Beecher Stowe was Catherine Beecher's sister. How could the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin be related to the same woman who wrote Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism-- an anti-abolitionist document which pleaded with women to keep their thoughts on slavery to themselves? In Uncle Tom's Cabin, Stowe not only frames both sides of the debate, but also actively incorporates it into her female characters and into her narrative voice, fictitiously dramatizing the issues with which Grimkà © and Beecher were concerned fifteen years earlier. Uncle Tom's Cabin, if racist by modern standards, is at least clearly anti-slavery: Stowe's intent in writing the novel, as she states in her Preface, is "to awaken sympathy and feeling for the African race, as they exist among us" (Stowe xviii). In her... ...atest need of positive and active role models. In only portraying Northern women who were ultimately able to act (and with Stowe's praise), she ends up perpetuating beliefs that Southern women were naturally unsuited to engage in the abolitionist cause. Works Cited Beecher, Catharine. "Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism." The Limits of Sisterhood: The Beecher Sisters on Women's Rights and Woman's Sphere. ed. Jeanne Boydston et. al. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1988. 125-129 Cain, William E., ed. Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's P, 1996. Grimke, Angelina. "Appeal to the Christian Women of the South." The Public Years of Sarah and Angelina Grimkà ©: Selected Writings 1835- 1839. ed. Larry Ceplair. NY: Columbia U P, 1989. 36-89. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. NY: Bantam Books, 1981.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

The loss of innocence Any child under the age of eighteen that is supposed to wed is thrown into the category of child marriages. This practice is very popular in India, Africa, Latin America and Oceania but the biggest area is Yemen and Saudi Arabia who does not have a minimum age requirement and does not protect the women’s rights under any circumstances. International and domestic civil right activists are appalled at the rising number of illegal and underage child marriages in foreign and neighboring countries. The downfalls of these marriages are that they deteriorate the child’s physical and mental health and are one of the main reasons for uneducated women in the world. Local and government officials need to be taking action to put an end to this long time tradition. Firstly, these girls are usually a source of money or a dowry for her family. According to Webster’s dictionary, a dowry is property bought by a bride to her husband at the time of marriage (112). Following this even further, marrying to young can have serious and even life threating effects on their life. â€Å"Gi... Essay -- The loss of innocence Any child under the age of eighteen that is supposed to wed is thrown into the category of child marriages. This practice is very popular in India, Africa, Latin America and Oceania but the biggest area is Yemen and Saudi Arabia who does not have a minimum age requirement and does not protect the women’s rights under any circumstances. International and domestic civil right activists are appalled at the rising number of illegal and underage child marriages in foreign and neighboring countries. The downfalls of these marriages are that they deteriorate the child’s physical and mental health and are one of the main reasons for uneducated women in the world. Local and government officials need to be taking action to put an end to this long time tradition. Firstly, these girls are usually a source of money or a dowry for her family. According to Webster’s dictionary, a dowry is property bought by a bride to her husband at the time of marriage (112). Following this even further, marrying to young can have serious and even life threating effects on their life. â€Å"Gi...